🌀Demented roulette

Felling lucky today?

Based on the VRF random number and a 3 minutes timeframe, Demented Roulette is a game where the odds are in play. In this winner-takes-all game, users deposit tokens into a shared pot. Each player's odds are proportional to the amount they contributed to the pot.

After 3 minutes, deposits are paused, and the wheel will spin, landing on the lucky winner. The winner will take all, minus a 2% fee that goes to the protocol wallet to maintain the protocol running.

How it works?

There is a countdown for each Demented round. This indicates both the closing round time, when the 'live' round will finish, and the lock round time, which marks the point when the 'next' round becomes the new 'live' one.

The winner is chosen by an oracle, provided to ensure security and randomness.

Demented Games Use a VRF from Supra Oracles: 0x1daB558F090029580854FbCF8f83ef3Ad8C223b5

Last updated